Lambs and Shearlings
Jo went to visit the flock of Jacobs from which we had some lambs last year. She arrived just at the point when Mrs Turner (ewe) decided to give birth to her quads. She delivered the first 2 quickly and they were on their feet immediately. The next 2 were a little more difficult and it was lucky that help was on hand. Mrs Turner did very well and kept all 4 new borns feeding well all night. After Lorna gave them some extra colostrum, we were able to bring two of theses ram lambs back to Wick Care Farm. The clients voted on their names with the result - Sunny and Shaun. They have panda markings on their face and look very cute! They settled down well and have been a delight to all our clients and visitors.
We were worried that 2 was a difficult number of lambs to have... what would we do if something happened to one of them? We approached another breeder to ask whether they had any multiple lambs / orphans they would like us to look after. To our delight, we were given 2 wonderful lambs which we called Sherlock and Spot. They immediately settled in with the other 2. These came from a 4 horned flock. Spot has 4 horns but Sherlock only has 2.
When we went to fetch Spot, we were offered 2 shearlings (last year's lambs)too. This was a great opportunity as we are hoping to start our own flock and have our own lambs next year. They have 4 horns too and are very pretty. When we went to collect the shearlings, we were offered 2 more lambs.. We called these Starlight and Stig. A couple of weeks later, we were given another one which we call Sprout! Our little flock of lambs are of varying sizes but are very lively and doing well.
Our new 4 horned shearlings settled in with our last years lambs very well. When we took our 3 wethers (castrated ram lambs) to market, we were left with 4 ewes - a good number to start our own flock next year. We called the new ones Ruby and Ronnie. Ruby had been bottle fed and halter trained and was immediately friendly. Ronnie has been a bit more nervous of us. However, she is now feeding out of our hands and has calmed down considerably.
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