Green tomato chutney!

The bumper crop of tomatoes have finally come to an end.  We picked the last of the green tomatoes and found ourselves with literally buckets of them!  So far we have made 45 jars of chutney.  But many hands make light work and the chopping and stirring provided a welcome respite from the wind on Tuesday.  We tasted the first batch at lunch time. Everyone liked it. Jo wanted more chilli but the majority said no.... Maybe we will have to make a specially spicy batch for those of you who like it hot! All our chutneys and jams will be on sale at our Christmas Fair on December 5th between 3pm - 6pm.

The pigs have gone to slaughter - we are all going to miss them.  The straw was collected and we had a clean up.  Lots of compost was made and now we have to build some more bins!  Some winter pots were put together and the cuttings were transferred to the greenhouse.  Although it was a sunny day to start with, we felt as though we were 'battening down the hatches' in preparation for the winter to come. 

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