Kitchen Refurbishment & Fundraising Update
Once again everyone at Wick Care Farm would like to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has already supported our Kitchen Refurbishment fundraising efforts.
We are currently in the process of researching possible grants to apply for, as well as obtaining quotes for the insulation and flooring.
The design and layout of the kitchen, including plans for the fixtures and fittings we would like to install is starting to come together. This has required a lot of careful consideration, and we’re continuing to discuss our plans with clients and staff, as well as professional kitchen designers.
We are currently thinking of other COVID-friendly fundraising ideas, as we are uncertain as to when we will be able to start hosting our popular Pop Up markets again.
In the meantime, you can support us (at no extra cost!) by signing up for Easyfundraising and nominating Wick Care Farm as your chosen cause. Any online shopping you do from the numerous businesses involved (including Amazon and many holiday companies) will then raise funds for us at no extra cost or hassle to you. Just click the following link to sign up:
If you have any suggestions for COVID-friendly fundraising, please do let us know.
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