There was fun at the farm last Saturday, as Wick Care Farm threw open its doors to host a pop-up market and café. The event was a great success, so Isobel and Jo and their team would like to say a big thank you to everyone who supported it, both in the run-up and on the day itself.
There was a range of stalls offering plants and produce, crafts and curios. Some of the wares were made ‘at home’ on the Farm, while others were brought to us by friends. Everything looked wonderful, and special thanks must go to our visiting stall-holders – the market just would not have been the same without you.
The café proved extremely popular, and no wonder! Besides hot tea and coffee, our visitors enjoyed lovely home-made soup and rolls (with real butter!), and a table laden with fabulous cakes. The only difficulty was deciding which to choose, but with plenty to go round there was no need for anyone to stick to just one! While the sun shone and the live music(many thanks to Marianne Fisher) played outside, the swallows flitted about above the barns and everyone made the most of a beautiful English spring day.
Our animal stars had many fans. Our lambs, piglets, chicks, sheep, geese, hens and ducks were all ready to be admired, and it was lovely to see lots of people enjoying meeting them. Many visitors also went on a tour of the Care Farm, to discover what’s going on in the polytunnel, what’s growing in the vegetable patch, and who’s living out in the fields.
The day ended with a raffle and prize draw. First prize in the draw was a gorgeous hand-made quilt, made by and kindly donated by Bobbie Turley. Also thanks to other kind donators of prizes including K&J Mason of Pershore Market who provided a basket of fruit. Well done to the winners.
When the numbers had all been drawn, the stalls taken down, and the tables cleared, it was time to count the takings. On the day we took £1,300 which is absolutely fantastic. All proceeds will go into improving the facilities of the Care Farm.
Thank you for the photographs by Judy Knight.